Thursday, April 28, 2016

Paul on Youtube

1.) Do you have a YouTube account? Yes.

2.) How long have you had your YouTube account? Going on 9 years.

3.) What do you like about YouTube? Watching videos of uploaded 70's, 80's, and 90's of the following: Cartoons, commercials, TV sitcoms, a lot of movies, educational shows, etc.

4.) What do you dislike about YouTube? The haters on there who hate on uploaded videos on other people's YouTube channels with their racist comments, cussing, and their puerile comments.

5.) Do you have a nickname for your YouTube account? Yes.

6.) Can you please share what your nickname is on YouTube? GutsandHeartGuy

7.) What made you decide to come up with such a 2 word nickname like that for YouTube account? Think of someone who is bold & who have such a heart for people and enjoy encouraging others. As a Christian I try to model my behavior after 1 Timothy 1:7 and 1 Thessalonians 5:11 because as a God fearing Christian I want others to see in me someone who is bold (Guts) and who is compassionate (Heart). These 2 combinations are extremely important to have in order to inspire others.

8.) Would you recommend any of your friends sign up for YouTube? Yes.

9.) Why would you recommend any of your friends to the social networking website YouTube? Because I watch a lot of videos of people who are humble servants of God who have a lot of wisdom & who use social networking websites like YouTube to spread the Gospel. I am truly blessed by their words of encouragement & I have never corresponded or ever met any of the YouTube users in person. I always hear a great word every time!
10.) Do you subscribe to any YouTube channels on YouTube? Yes. I subscribe to a lot of YouTube channels.

11.) What do you do when you come across YouTube channels that have more dislikes than they have likes? If it is a really good video then what I would do is share on other social networking websites that I am on. Otherwise if the video sucks I do nothing or say nothing. "If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all."

12.) On a scale of 1-10 with being that you like YouTube the least and 10 being that you like YouTube the best how would you rate the social networking website YouTube? I am going to with 9.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Television Writing (2000): Advance Broadcasting (2001)

Television Writing (2000): Advance Broadcasting (2001): Wine Tasting Event I will never forget it was the spring semester of 2001 at Manchester Community College (MCC) I was taki...