Thursday, September 22, 2016

Random Things Favorites Part 3 Would You...?

1.) Would you relocate if were offered a six figure job? I would carefully check and see what kind of job is being offered to me where I'm from and seeing if what is being offered is worth staying & saying thanks but no thanks to the six figure job. If the job is not worth staying then I would be on the next flight out of Bradley International Airport.

2.) Would you ever tell someone that he or she is good at something (like playing the piano for example) if you know that they really suck? I wouldn't embarrass them in front of every one because that wouldn't be fair to them. I would tell them with no one being around and say that playing the piano is not their thing and that he or she might want to try another hobby that he or she is good at.

3.) Would you ever report a co-worker for stealing anything on the workforce? I would cover for the co-worker. However, if my job is on the line I would talk to the co-worker one on one and tell the co-worker that he or she has to stop taking the office supplies for example or else I will have to report him or her to our boss.

4.) Would you report an incident that you witnessed (like a bank robbery) in a bank if you saw the bank robbers? Once I'm away from the bank robbers I would make sure I call the cops on my cell phone (hypothetically I would leave the bank before the robbers knew I saw them).

5.) Would you report a 6 year old child missing for 2 months if you saw a child alone? Definitely. Too many children are being abducted some are abducted and safe and some are abducted and murdered.

6.) Would you tell a cashier that he or she gave you $5 too much change after purchasing food at a fast food restaurant? Yes.

7.) Would you return $500 or keep $500 if you found the money in an envelope on the ground? Honestly, I would turn the money into the police regardless if I get any kind of reward or not. I can't keep something that's not mine. Now if the money was loose and just on the ground then that would be a different story.

8.) You would give the right directions or wrong directions to someone who was driving a brand new Porsche and who wanted to know where Hartford hospital was? I would tell anyone who is asking me for directions that I don't know if I really don't know where the place that they are going is. If I honestly know where the place is that they are going to I would give him or her the right directions. There are some people who expect others to help them (even strangers) and don't want to help people get to their destination.

9.) Would you get in a stranger's car if he or she offered you a ride? I'm going to be honest and say that I've got in a couple of stranger's cars once when I was in high school and a couple of times when I first was in college. People gave me rides because they saw how I would walk places and I once rode in a stranger's car at a high school event that I help direct him to because he didn't know where the high school was. It turned out he was one of the classmates that I went to high school with father. I'm more likely not to take rides from strangers and tell them "No thanks I'm good."

10.) Would you ever tell a secret that someone told you out of confidentiality that would break their trust in you? Never.