Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Do You Have Short Term Memory?

You answered 8 out of 15 questions correctly

A Pig! 
Getting this result means you have got 50% - 74% questions right.

This might sound like a stupid result to you, but in fact, it means you are actually quite smart and you have the average memory - the memory span that each normal human should have. A pig's memory span resembles a monkey's, if not the monkey's is a bit larger.

Many people think pigs as stupid once they see them rolling around in the mud, carefree. But they are much smarter than you give them credit for! 

Here are some fun facts about pigs, showing that they are indeed very clever if you are still not very convinced:

Pigs have a well developed sense of smell. They can find things underground and have been used to find truffles, a French delicacy, or to sniff out drugs in service to policemen. That shows they're intelligent.

Aaaaaaannnndddd ...

Scientists believe that pigs are one of the most intelligent animals, ranking close behind apes and dolphins. Ha, told you! 

How Good Is Your Long Term Memory?

You remember everything! 
From your childhood to last week, you haven't missed any details! We are so impressed with you!! We are even thinking of recommending you to a special CIA position. This is incredible!

How Adventurous are you?

You are 68% adventurous!
Stay the way you are! You are totally adventurous!^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Responsibility Test

you are 99% 90%responsible
CoNgRatUlAtIoNs!!!!!! you are the man of success.. go on with your principles/vijaya mantras for a very very successful life... you had proved it here dude....

What Kind of Hiker Are You?

You hike at a steady pace, and carry lightweight gear. You buy the best lightweight gear you can, whithout going over your budget.  You do not mind a little extra weight if it means you get to carry a few luxuries like, an extra pair of socks, a book to read at night, and a pocket radio to listen to while hiking. You have reasonable distance goals, but you stop to enjoy the views.

Balanced Hiker Attributes: Steady hiking pace, Carries light/budget friendly gear, Carries a few items to make the trek more comfortable.

Monday, October 31, 2016

My Top 10 Favorite Christmas Songs

#10 Feliz Navidad

I could always get into this Spanish song during Christmas time.

#9 Frosty The Snowman

Another song that I can get into that I really enjoying hearing is Frosty The Snowman. I can still hear this song & picture watching little kids building snowmans, lol!

#8 White Christmas

If you're at home around all of your friends & family and you have a big Christmas party that is flooded with Christmas presents while chowing down on some really delicious Christmas cookies & a large glass of milk, then you can remember the white Christmas's that we've had and really enjoy the song White Christmas.

#7 Jingle Bells

Whoever thought that a classic Christmas song like Jingle Bells could be sung in 2 different versions (You don't want to hear Bart Simpson's version of Jingle Bells from the Simpsons). Anyway, Jingle Bells is a really good classic Christmas song to sing while decorating your Christmas tree.

#6 Joy To The World

I've heard this Christmas song so much that Christmas would not be the same if this song was not sung. I've heard this song a lot in church. I've been to Christmas parties at church where this song was sung. I remember taking home a little fruit basket with fruit & candy after Christmas services at The Full Gospel Interdenominational Church in Manchester many times when I was a little boy.

#5 A Way In A Manger

There is nothing like a good Christmas song to sing about than the birth of Jesus Christ like A Way In A Manger. Great song but most importantly the song represents the true meaning of Jesus. This song is priceless!

#4 O Little Town Of Bethlehem

A really great song to hear at Christmas time. When you hear any song whether it's in church, on TV, or even if they are Christmas carolers singing outside, O Little Town Of Bethlehem reminds me of a great song that you could hear outside of the town you live in.

#3 O Holy Night

I really love this song and my absolute rendition of this song that I love is by Celine Dion!

#2 Do You Hear What I Hear

This song is a classic that I really enjoy hearing!

#1 This Christmas

Talking about a song that you can really get into is This Christmas. Think about all of the Christmas's you've had. They may have been special to you in their own way or you may not always feel that way about your Christmas's. However, when family & friends get together on Christmas and enjoy good home cooked food, gifts, and laughs, then This Christmas is a really good Christmas song to hear!

Those are my top 10 favorite Christmas songs that I really enjoy hearing every year.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Are You A Good Listener?

Are You a Good Listener?
Your Result: Good Listener
Congratulations, you are a great listener. People probably come to talk to you quite a lot about their issues, knowing you're willing to listen and you won't intrupt a bunch. You once in a while ask a question to keep the conversation going, and actually you are really good in conversation. Congrats again!

Are you a critic?

You have a 5% chance of being a good critic!
You are not a critic, you are kind-hearted and hate to judge, I suggest you go work at human resources, as a social worker or a veteranarian.

Friday, October 28, 2016

How motivated are you?

How motivated are you?
Your Result: Motivated is your middle name!

You're an extremely motivated person, you always look on the bright side of things. When you wake up in the morning you're ready to take on the day! You inspire others and like to finish what you start. Keep it up! But be careful to always stay grounded.

Are You a Racist?

Optimisticly Openminded,

You are about as open-minded as they come. It's a rarity, but you actually see people as being the same but having different circumstances and cultures. You think stereotypes only serve to dehumanize groups. If more people were like you the world would be a little less hateful.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Are you gullible?

Not Gullible

Good for you! Hah! I'm kidding! You are gullible! Jk. Wow. You fell for it. Maybe you got lucky?

Are you serious or careless?

Are you serious or careless

not so serious

You know when to be serious and whn to laugh and be happy. This may be the best thing to be but you could lighten up a tad more

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Are you boring?

Are you a boring person?


You have a fun personality, you know how to have a good time with your family and friends 

How Spontaneous Are you?

You are:


You don't believe in doing something the same way twice. You would much rather try something new, take a risk, and have some fun than stick to conventional ways. Your friends never know what to expect from you, but that makes you a blast to be around.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

How Stressed Are You?

You have an Excellent Resistance to Stress

How Happy Are You?

You are 74% happy, you are Soul Happy!

You’re a chilled out person who knows how to enjoy a moment. For you being happy is a stress free time with people you love but beyond that you don’t try to put parameters on it. Life is good because you know what’s important to you.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Are You A Giver Or A Taker?


You are 65% Giver and 35% Taker, you are a giver!

You genuinely enjoy giving to others, and try your best to show your loved ones how much you care about them! While you are generous, you are a bit uncomfortable about taking or accepting help from others.


You A Giver O  Taker?e You A Giver Or A Taker?

Friday, October 21, 2016

Are you A Carefree Person or Simply Lazy?


You are definitely carefree! 
You take life as it comes and enjoys being in the moment, rather than worry about what happens tomorrow or in the future. You don't care what other people say about you and you almost never doubt yourself. Sometimes you're not too willing to do extreme things but you're down with mainly going with the flow peacefully. You don't put much thought in your fashion. You don't judge others as much because you believe that they can do whatever they want with their lives because that's what you're doing. You live with the motto 'whatever floats your boat'. You don't care if you're given a task and you've done it messily. When people criticise you, you don't listen to them but when you do, you don't really mind. You strongly agree with your pride but still you're humble. You don't like to stand out in crowds. You don't usually get attached to someone, unless you've known them for a long while. Your friends come and go but you don't mind. 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Are You Cheap?

You Are Frugal

You believe 'a penny saved is a penny earned,' and you do your best to keep your finances in good shape.
You spend a lot less (and save a lot more) than most people you know, but they might not even realize it.

You're a master at figurint out how to cut back without depriving yourself. You make every purchase count.
You buy what's really important and go without or save on the rest. You know cheap junk doesn't save you money in the long run.

For you, frugality isn't a passing fad. It's a lifestyle choice, and one you're darn proud of.
You make sure to pace yourself and splurge a little every so often. You don't want to get burned out on saving money.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

How Organized Are You?

You are 67% organized, you are a Little Messy.

You walk the line between orderly and non-orderly. While you may forget to pay a few bills, you never forget to pay your taxes. Your system might not make sense to others, but at least you have one!

How Old Fashioned Are You?

You are 47% Old Fashioned. You are Getting Old Fashioned.

You have a pretty good blend of old school and new school in your soul. You know how to tap into whichever side you need to in order to make the right decision. You have respect for your elders but also feel the youngsters of today have a lot to offer.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Are You Shy, Outgoing, or In Between?

You Are In Between

You sometimes have the akward uncomfertable shy momments, but you get over them. Most of the time you can speak your mind and be yourself, but acasionaly when everyones paying attention to you your shyness takes over. It's okay to be in between though. Be yourself and when you start to feel uncomfertable just remember that people should like you for you, not someone you're not. :]

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Are you trustworthy?

Best friend

You might not have the juicy gossip, but people respect you for the fact that you can keep their secrets, give good advice and are there for them when they need you. Just be careful people don't start using you and dare to say no when you don't want to do something.

What type of friend are you?

What type of friend are you?

For 50 % you are: You are a good friend. You are helpful and people need you around but not always like you. Very loyal but maybe a little to loyal. Do what you want to do not what others want. 
21 % of 13273 Quiz participants had this profile!
More Personality tests Tests?

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Which Type Of Soldier Are You?


You are a courageous soldier that would die in battle for your comrades 1000 times, you will not back down and answer to anyone but your consciousness and if challenged will fight to the best of your ability.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Are You More Of An Introvert Or An Extrovert?

Are You More Of An Introvert Or An Extrovert?You got: Mild extrovert!You're definitely an extrovert, though not to the point that you feel you have to be the centre of attention in every conversation. That said, you're much happier when you're surrounded by friends than you are sitting at home on your own, and you find meeting new people more exciting than you do scary. You enjoy making people laugh and get frustrated when you have little to do – you're a people person for sure.

Are You a Leader or a Follower?

Are You a Leader or a Follower?

For 50 % you are: You are EQUAL. Sometimes you are a leader and sometimes you are a follower. You aren't afraid to lead others but you also aren't afraid to follow. You give people chances to take the lead or follow behind. Either way, you go with the flow and you aren't just one or the other. Good job.
32 % of 41213 Quiz participants had this profile!
More Personality tests Tests?

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Respect Quiz

good job!
good job you are a very respectful person. you value human life and you respect other peoples time and belongings you never (or sometimes) make fun of people for things they can,t change . because you treat people with respect , most people treat you the same way in return.

How Friendly Are You?

Your Friendliness Score is 79 (Very Friendly)

You are an amazing friend. Anyone who has you as a friend is incredibly lucky. And judging by how many friends you have, there are many lucky people in this world! You can talk to people easily, and you often turn strangers into friends. You are also a good listener. You are there for your friends when they need to vent, without judgment. Overall, you have a genuine interest in people and their lives. And your friends can tell. Taking time for your friends is very important to you. And because of this, you have lots of deep and meaningful friendships.

Monday, October 10, 2016

How Patriotic Are You?

You are 88% Patriotic!

You are really Patriotic, and our countries deserve as many people like us as possible. So let's "GIT-R-DONE" God Bless You and Your Country!

How Patriotic are you?
Take More Quizzes

Friday, October 7, 2016

Playful dog & Guard dog

Scottish Terrier


I've just did 2 different quizzes for the 2 different breeds of dogs. The Scottish Terrier above is the dog that will always be with me whenever I'm going out for walks or jogging. The Akita is a really good guard dog is for protection just in case a Pit bull mauled my Scottish Terrier. The Akita is the outside dog and the Scottish Terrier will be both inside and outside. The Akita and Scottish Terrier will get along with each other. I'm not looking at getting a guard dog but if I decided to get a guard dog according to the quiz the Akita would be the best breed for me.

How Compassionate Are You?

You Have Lots of Compassion

You are a naturally empathetic and caring person. Other people matter to you, and it shows.
You celebrate your friends' successes and sympathize when they run into trouble.

You have a strong sense of justice, and you want to protect everyone who's been treated unfairly.
It's hard for you to judge someone unless you've walked a mile in his or her shoes. You give people the benefit of the doubt.