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A Pig!
Getting this result means you have got 50% - 74% questions right.
This might sound like a stupid result to you, but in fact, it means you are actually quite smart and you have the average memory - the memory span that each normal human should have. A pig's memory span resembles a monkey's, if not the monkey's is a bit larger.
Many people think pigs as stupid once they see them rolling around in the mud, carefree. But they are much smarter than you give them credit for!
Here are some fun facts about pigs, showing that they are indeed very clever if you are still not very convinced:
Pigs have a well developed sense of smell. They can find things underground and have been used to find truffles, a French delicacy, or to sniff out drugs in service to policemen. That shows they're intelligent.
Aaaaaaannnndddd ...
This might sound like a stupid result to you, but in fact, it means you are actually quite smart and you have the average memory - the memory span that each normal human should have. A pig's memory span resembles a monkey's, if not the monkey's is a bit larger.
Many people think pigs as stupid once they see them rolling around in the mud, carefree. But they are much smarter than you give them credit for!
Here are some fun facts about pigs, showing that they are indeed very clever if you are still not very convinced:
Pigs have a well developed sense of smell. They can find things underground and have been used to find truffles, a French delicacy, or to sniff out drugs in service to policemen. That shows they're intelligent.
Aaaaaaannnndddd ...
Scientists believe that pigs are one of the most intelligent animals, ranking close behind apes and dolphins. Ha, told you!
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